Voting Where?
By Susan Gebhard
Since Ben Avon Heights has no public buildings, schools or churches, voting was held in individual homes until 2006 when Shannopin was permitted to host— as long as the bar was closed during poll hours and a certain distance from the machines. Ben Avon Heights voters have been in garages, laundry rooms, and basements at these addressees over the years: Christian Layman's Society (Stratford Rd), 7 Biddeford, 8 Clovelly, 1 Wilson and 18 Wilson.
My entire childhood, voting happened in our garage at 7 Biddeford. There was a door cut in mom's side of the garage, and twice a year the entire family would have to scrub down and/or repaint the place. Then we'd dig out the "election tables and chairs" stashed in a special part of the cellar and get out the industrial-sized coffee pot. The "election ladies" drank an awful lot of coffee, but I'll bet the voting was a whole lot more fun and personable than it is now!